Friday, August 18, 2006

This post was about our three day trip in Boston. There will be many more of these, this is just a quick update! The temperature in Boston were absolutely awful, it didn't get above 25 degrees the entire time we were there! It also started snowing unexpectedley the last two days..

The sushi restaurant that we went to had just opened up, so we had no idea of what to expect.. The restaurant was beautiful, got big points for ambiance, and a definite 6 thumbs down for price. The prices were atrocious! We figured we had ordered way too much: shrimp, broccoli, and sweet potato tempura, and 5 sushi rolls, but the waittress told us that it would barely be enough. She wasn't kidding! The large, intimidating roll to the right is the "Russian Roll," which is eel wrapped in salmon skin, completely smothered in black caviar. I refused to try it, but Greg and Ankur seemed to take care of it on their own! Yuck!

This, unfortunately, was the only picture we have with the three of us this entire time.

This is Greg and I facing incredibly stong winds on the bridge of Charles River. Almost all universities in Boston and Cambridge (Harvard, Boston U, MIT, and Brandeis) are located along this river. Charles River is infamous for its pollution, there are tons upon tons of toxic sediment scattered throughout. The weather channel deems 50 days a year on average where people can come in contact with water, despite EPAs promise to have the water "swimmable" by 2005. This river is also very famous in pop culture; this is the river where Quentin drowned himself in the Sound and the Fury, and is the location of a prominent scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. My brother told me there is a custom for Harvard freshmen and this river; supposedley if you successfully walk across the frozen river second semester of your freshmen year, you will have good luck throughout your remaining years and get all A's or something ridiculous like that. One of Ankurs friends once made him and some other friends cross the river. My brother says he tried and almost made it halfway, but "chickened out." Remember, this river is very toxic, so if you slip through the ice you are dead in an instant! By the way, the friend that got everyone to cross the river was doing it to impress a lady friend, which happened to be Natalie Portman, the very famous actress! Posted by Picasa


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